Member Alert
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Details: ***Registration for this event has closed*** SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 8:00 - 11:30 AM TOUR*: Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority (ESCRA) EXHIBITS: Vendors will be exhibiting their products and services. THANKS TO: Keystone Pump & Power, LLC For the coffee & Gannett Fleming for the donuts. 11:30 - 11:45 AM LUNCH REGISTRATION - VFW Selinsgrove Post 6631 11:45 - 1:00 PM LUNCHEON 1:00 - 1:30 PM PRESENTATION: ESCRA Past, Present and Future SPEAKER: Greg Pysher Manager (ESCRA) 1:30 - 2:00 PM CPWQA: Business meeting and door prize drawing *If you register for the DEP Contact Hour, you must present your DEP Client ID Card/Certificate and a Photo ID at the Contact Hour Attendance Desk by 9:00 in order to receive Credit for the contact hour. NOTE for Professional Engineers: PEs Attending Tour & Meeting can receive a certificate for 1 PDH if requested. Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority Snapshot Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority (ESCRA) owns and operates a Regional System that serves the Boroughs of Selinsgrove and Shamokin Dam, Monroe Township served by the Hummels Wharf Municipal Authority, and Penn Township. The ESCRA Regional System, placed into service in October 1980, includes the following: • Approximately 6.9 miles of trunk and interceptor sewers ranging in size from 8 to 36 inches in diameter, including RCP, ACP, DIP, ABS, PVC, and HDPE pipe. • Sixteen (16) wastewater metering facilities, including flow metering facilities at both pumping stations. • Two (2) wastewater pumping stations (Shamokin Dam Pumping Station and the Main Pumping Station). • An activated sludge WWTP with a permitted Design Annual Average Flow of 2.0 million gallons per day (MGD), a Design Hydraulic Capacity of 7.0 MGD, and a Design Organic Capacity of 7,000 lbs. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)/day. Click here for the form to pay by check Click here to register and pay by credit card Vendor tables are available. Please contact Dave Seibert at 717.566.3237 x 330.
Click here for the form to pay by check Click here to register and pay by credit card Vendor tables are available. Please contact Dave Seibert at 717.566.3237 x 330.
Location: 870 South Front StreetSelinsgrove, PA 17870
Location Map: